About Us
Oceanus was the Greek Titan God of all the Earth-encircling rivers, to later encompass the ocean where he was considered the Sea-God, Okeanos, aka Oceanus. His wife, Tethys, served as Mother of the clouds and the precipitation of water from the land, lakes, and rivers back to the sea. May we respect and have reverence for the Ocean.
Oceanus (pronounced O-she-on-us) One conducts business with integrity and compassion for all our clients to enable them to fulfill their intentions and goals, in working with the infinite wisdom of the whales and dolphins.
People realize we are intricately connected to each other, the Ocean, and All-That-Is in working with the wisdom of the whales and dolphins, whereby they move into higher states of consciousness, attain their immediate goals and intentions, and live their life in harmony with humanity and Mother Earth.
Our Vision
Our Mission
We offer whale and dolphin wellness sessions to assist the whales and dolphins in their mission to have humanity claim our mastery, experience accelerated change, growth, and health upgrades, and live in harmony with our communities and Mother Earth.
About Heidi
Growing up on the beaches of Southern California, I have been on a spiritual path since I was in High School. I took the estTM or Erhard Seminars Training when I was 18, which transformed my life and who I thought I was. I was fired up to live “now - in the moment,” to experience life to the fullest. Since then, I have participated in a plethora of communication, spiritual healing, and quantum physics, events, retreats, and courses.
​I am certified in Signature Cell Healing, a Reiki Master, Quantum Touch, a variety of Angel in Hawaii programs, PSI Seminars, Wellpoint Hypnosis Method, and as of November 1, 2022, I’m a Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine (ELM) practitioner through Laurie Reyon, International animal communicator and founder of the Omni Dimensional Mystery School.
When I considered taking the Whale and Dolphin ELM course, I found that it incorporated nearly every healing modality, quantum scientist, or metaphysical leader that strongly resonated with me over the years.
Not only does the course focus on my passion, the superior intelligence of the whales and dolphins, it also incorporates the Hawaiian culture, the gift and power of the Violet Flame, Dr. Bruce Lipton and research on epigenetics, Gregg Braden and quantum physics, Dr. Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist and chiropractor helping people rewire their brains to use their full potential, Drunvalo Melchizedek sacred geometry Master, the Oversoul of Seth and the Book Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, messages from Kryon, Patricia Cory and the Sounds of Creation from the whales, Mt. Shasta and the Inner Earth people, and my beloved Lemuria, of which the ancient mountain tops is said to be Hawaii.
The compilation of these topics and subject experts bolstered my decision to take Laurie Reyon’s Whale and Dolphin EML 6-month course and 5-month internship.
My spiritual, metaphysical, travel to spiritual sites around the world, and quantum science educational endeavors is complimented by my career in natural, cultural, and marine resources management, in service to Mother Earth. I received a B.S. in Natural Resources Management from Colorado State University and a M.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Guam. I implemented environmental stewardship programs at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, for 10 years and at the Headquarters Marine Corp in Washington DC for 5.5 years.
Then I moved to Hawaii where I worked with an environmental consulting firm for a few years until I got hired with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to manage one small and three very large Marine National Monuments in the Pacific Ocean. This has been an incredibly rewarding career, protecting our natural, cultural, and marine resources of the Ocean, which covers 71% of the planet and truly unites us all.
Connecting to the marine ecosystems is majestic, as viewed through a scuba mask. I got certified to dive in 1989 and have been connecting with the whales, dolphins, sharks, manta rays, turtles, corals, fisheries, and so much more, around the planet ever since. I became a PADI instructor to teach diving in Guam and a NOAA Scientific Diver in Hawaii for 12 years. God’s creations in the Ocean are the great ones to learn from and bond with. Now I get to share my passion of the magnificent marine and spiritual realms and be a conduit for whales and dolphins through Oceanus One.